Major Area of Intervention
Deep or semi-deep water rice management
Management of saline and alkaline soils
Creation of minor irrigation opportunity through rain water harvesting
Promotion of rabi cotton in rice fallows
Introduction of cotton based intercropping system in the moisture stressed rice fallows.
Promotion of sunflower under rain fed situation
Door step marketing of seed cotton
Management of waste land
Use of organic and inorganic fertilizers in rice
Productivity enhancement of rabi cotton throgh varietal replacement
Management of problemetic soil
Productivity enhancement of sunflower by introducing new variety and fertilizer management
Introduction of IPM and INM technologies in different agronomical and horticultural crops
Forecasting of insect pests and diseases on the basis of weather condition
Supply of bio agents and bio pesticides to farmers
Incorporation and promotion of eco-friendly chemical pesticides in IPM strategies
Mass production of bio agents and bio pesticides
Reduction in use of highly toxic pesticides spray in vegetable crops
Introduction of IRM strategies in cotton and other crops
Protected cultivation of off-season vegetables through Green House technology
Entrepreneurship development among rural youth through establishment of small scale production unit of bio control agents
Introduction of protective cultivation technology for better productivity & quality production
Horticultural nursery development for the rural youths
Supply of quality seeds at farmers door steps
Low cost fish and prawn culture technology
Breeding of Asian Cat Fish and IMC at farmers level
Entrepreneurship development through ornamental fish culture
Self-employment generation through dairy farming (cross bred)
Self-employment generation through Black Bengal Goat farming
Establishing a marketing network through a buy-back system between ornamental fish breeders and growers (farmers).
Promotion of breed up gradation and cross breeding programme in diary cattle
Promotion of green fodder cultivation
Distribution of carp seeds (spawn, fry & fingerlings) to fish farmers and members of SHG’s
Distribution of Asian catfish seeds to the fish farmers of the locality
Enhancing nutritional status among womenfolk
Entrepreneurship development among womenfolk through SHG
Empowerment of women for quality life